
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
 - CuratorWork / CuratorView is an artsphere website

an artsphere website

The Monday Eve Image Interview [Multi-platform social media conversation through Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr]

web platforms / visual stream on Twitter, Facebook Messenger and Tumblr

© CuratorWork / © CuratorView / © Alfredo Cramerotti [2024]

The Monday Eve Image Interview (01.12.2014 - 01.12.2015) is a multi-platform conversation carried out through social media between Alfredo Cramerotti (@alcramer) and Dallas Hardy (@dallashardy100 and @megadallashardy).

The conversation is public and centred on the relevance of digital image-making today in relation to artistic and curatorial platforms. The interview will stay archived online as long as the social networks will stay in business, or will archive old conversation.

The conditions set up at the incept of the interview are:

a) the conversations should be public and tagged

b) each of the conversants can use the interview content for artistic, academic and curatorial projects as well as archives

c) the conversation may be published in a book or printed format in the future.

Please look up on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr for the whole conversation, searching for the tags @alcramer, @dallashardy100 and @megadallashardy.

an artsphere website