
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
 - CuratorWork / CuratorView is an artsphere website

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Talk: XXNFT: Revealing Remarkable NFT Women Artists

© CuratorWork / © CuratorView / © Alfredo Cramerotti [2024]
Alfredo Cramerotti and Auronda Scalera of XXNFT: Revealing Remarkable NFT Women Artists

During the webinar we will discuss the XXnft as the platform promoting female NFT artists. Moreover, co-founders of XXnft Auronda Scalera and Alfredo Cramerotti will share their perspective on female #NFT projects and #NFTart collecting. At the end webinar guests will reply to questions from the audience.

Guest Speakers:

Auronda Scalera is the Cofounder of XXnft, a publishing platform for women and not binary in NFT; Co-Director, Infinity Art Museum on the Verse; curator and consultant for contemporary and digital arts based in London and Dubai. Upcoming projects include the organization of panels about NFTs and museums for plusTATE and IKT.

Alfredo Cramerotti is Director at Mostyn gallery; Co-Director, Infinity Art Museum on the Verse; Adviser, British Council Acquisition Committee & UK Government Art Collection. He curated 4 national pavilions and collateral events at the Venice Biennale, EXPO Film & Video in Chicago, and the biennials Sequences VII and Manifesta 8. Cofounder of XXnft, a publishing platform for women and not binary in NFT.

Scalera and Cramerotti will be the curators during the next Venice Art Biennale for the Decentral Art Pavilion

Denis Belkevich
Art economist and visiting lecturer at Sotheby’s Institute of Art (New York), external consultant of Deloitte CIS in Art & Finance, General Partner of Fuelarts – the first dedicated ArtTech & NFT startup accelerator.

Sonia Stubblebine
Art Historian with specialization in Art Management and Art & Finance. Fuelarts’ manager and interpreter.

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