
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
 - CuratorWork / CuratorView is an artsphere website

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Noah’s Ark – The Eight Great Moral Imperatives by Nathalie Gabrielsson / Kybernein Institute [curating]

Noah's Ark: The Eight Great Moral Imperatives by Nathalie Gabrielsson / Kybernein Institute [curating]

30 Nov 2017 - 3 Dec 2017
Artist Nathalie Gabrielsson presents a cultural format incorporating exhibition, theatre play and conversations. 30 November - 3 December 2017, Teater Tribunalen Hornsgatan 92, Stockholm Sweden.

Details of Exhibition

The event strives to unravel the relationship between entrepreneurship and alternative forms of governance, social change, environmental and economic sustainability. A forum where to ask questions about how cultural and social models are affected by ideological matrixes of thinking.

The event is produced and organized by the Kybernein Institute (KI), a research think-tank established by Nathalie Gabrielsson to address the overlaps of policy making with cultural production at the intersection between art, business, and economics. Read more about the exhibition  here .

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