
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
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Mostyn | Oren Pinhassi: False Alarm [curating, art management, institutional leadership]

1 Jul 2023 - 7 Oct 2023

Details of Exhibition

Oren Pinhassi: False Alarm 
1 July - 7 October 2023

Oren Pinhassi’s sculptures examine the relationship between the human figure, nature and the built environment. Made from sand and plaster, layered by hand over welded steel skeletons, the totemic figures exist in a state of metamorphosis, ready to collapse or reinvent themselves, caught between life and death, making and becoming. 

The sculptures in False Alarm are fragile hybrids, evoking antiquity yet anticipating an undefined future, in which traditional classifications no longer apply. Taking mourning rituals as a conceptual point of departure, the works explore the logic of mourning as a site of renewal – a familiar reality has been lost, giving way to something new. Pinhassi extends an invitation to consider our mortality and past failures, while urging us to imagine what kind of world we could inhabit.  

The exhibition is curated by Alfredo Cramerotti, Director, Mostyn with Kalliopi Tsipni-Kolaza, Associate Curator of Visual Art, Mostyn, with the support of the Henry Moore Foundation, The Foundation Foundation and Edel Assanti Gallery, London. Special thanks to Xenia Creative Retreat.

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