
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
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Manifesta 8, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art [curating]

Manifesta 8, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art [curating]

9 Oct 2010 - 9 Jan 2011
Manifesta 8, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, takes place in the Region of Murcia (Spain) in dialogue with northern Africa, from October 9, 2010 until January 9, 2011. Preview days: October 7 and 8 in Murcia and Cartagena Official opening day: October 9 2010 in Murcia and Cartagena / Running for a period of 100 days, Manifesta 8 will be taking place in the cities of Murcia and Cartagena in historical buildings, museums, unconventional spaces and several media channels. Manifesta 8 is curated by three independent curatorial collectives, each of them developing a project as an autonomous curatorial contribution. The collectives are ACAF Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum, CPS Chamber of Public Secrets (Alfredo Cramerotti and Khaled Ramadan) and

Details of Exhibition

ACAF Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum, raise the question How can any art project genuinely touch on the sophisticated and haphazard web of life's complexity? In response, they propose OVERSCORE, a multifaceted project held together by the logic of a specially devised, theoretical interface called The Theory of Applied Enigmatics. Curator: Bassam El Baroni / Associate Curator: Jeremy Beaudry / Curatorial assistant: Yolanda Riquelme García Artists: The Action Mill / Gonzalo Ballester / Lene Berg / Michael Paul Britto / Pablo Bronstein / Ergin &Cavusolu / Common Culture / Celine Condorelli / Willie Doherty / Juan Downey / Sherif El Azma / Alfonso Escudero / Simon Fujiwara / Ryan Gander / Melanie Gilligan / Nav Haq / Ann Veronica Janssens / Jeleton / Mahmoud Khaled / Hassan Khan / Irene Lucas & Christoph Euler / Suhail Malik / nOffice / Ana Martinez / Rosell Meseguer / Metahaven / Nestio Mosquito / Charles Mudede / Kenny Muhammad & Adam Carrigan / Lorraine O'Grady / Olivia Plender / Wanda Raimundi-Ortiacutez / Jasper Rigole / Red76 / Alexandre Singh / Jean-Marc Superville Sovak / Take to the Sea / Mariusz Tarkawian.

CPS Chamber of Public Secrets, through the critical use of media production, documentary-making, artistic research and aesthetic journalism, presents the curatorial project THE REST IS HISTORY? It occupies and questions the structures that define reality today, as well as its history. Curators: Khaled Ramadan & Alfredo Cramerotti / Curatorial assistant: Rian Lozano de la Pola Artists: AGM / Mounira Al Solh / Abed Anouti / Esref Armayan / The ARTS ASSEMBLY / Michael Baers / Ghassan Ben Jeddou / Brumaria / Filipa Cesar / Danilo Correale / Anders Eiebakke / Aida Eltorie (featuring films by Fateen Abdel Wahab, Dalia Neis, Sergio Leone, Bassem Yousri, Naiza Khan, Pauline Marsquo Barek, Jan Ijauml;s, Aissa H. Deebi, Ghamkin Saleh, Madeline Djerejian, Yto Barrada) / Marcelo Exposito & Veronica Iglesia / Thierry Geoffroy-Colonel / Laurent Grasso / Khaled Hafez / Ralf Homann / Erlea Maneros Zabala / n.e.w.s.: Renee Ridgway & Rick van Amersfoort / Angel Nevarez & Valerie Tevere / Fay Nicolson (in collaboration with Rasheed Araeen, Mark Ashurst, Katerina Gregos, John M. Kennedy , Huda Smitshuijzen, Alex Vesudevan) / Nada Prlja / Ariel Reichman / Maria Ruido / David Rych / Nikolaus Schletterer / Michael Takeo Magruder / Stefanos Tsivopoulos / Wooloo (in collaboration with Gema Alava, Helidon Gjergji, Pedro Guirao, Clarinda Mac Low, Matthias Neumann) / Raed Yassin., querying conventions of the group show, presents CONSTITUTION FOR TEMPORARY DISPLAY, he result of a collective thinking about the potential for a self-constituting space, shaped by aesthetic, social and political conditions; a space where artists and curators open up their work to reflection, imagination and re-elaboration. Curatorial team: Vit Havrnek, Zbyniek Baladran, Dora Hegyi, Boris Ondreika, Georg Schoullhammer / Curatorial assistant: Anna Pahissa Deulofeu Artists: Basma Alsharif / Babi Badalov / Neil Beloufa / Erick Beltran / Igor & Ivan Buharov / Banu Cennetoglu & Shiri Zinn / Boris Charmatz / Loulou Cherinet / Heman Chong / Kajsa Dahlberg / Cristina David / Stephan Dillemuth / Carla Filipe / Pedro G. Romero-Archivo F.X. / Alexandra Galkina / Karl Holmqvist / Sung Hwan Kim / Adela Juscaron / Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc & Sarah Maldoror / Darius Mikscaronys / The Otolith Group / Bouchra Ouizguen / Emily Roysdon / Ruti Sela / Catarina Simao / Tomscaron; Vank / Martin Vongrej / Tris Vonna-Michell / Tanja Widmann.

Education: In Manifesta 8, particular attention is dedicated to educational activities. An art mediation program has been set up to research and reflect together with the visitors on the artworks and concepts presented at Manifesta 8. Guided tours in Spanish, English, Arabic, French, German and Italian are available during opening hours, as well as a range of special projects, education material and activities for school classes and art students. Symposium: On Sunday 10th of October 2010, from 10.00 to 14.00, the symposium Bringing you the answers before we know the question: four positions regarding the idea of a pan-African roaming biennial will take place in the Centro Parraga, Murcia. For more information on the preview/opening program: Website: / Phone: +34 868 950 750 Email: /

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