
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
 - CuratorWork / CuratorView is an artsphere website

an artsphere website
MOSTYN | Nina Beier [institutional leadership]

MOSTYN | Nina Beier [institutional leadership]

26 Oct 2013 - 5 Jan 2014
MOSTYN I Wales is delighted to present a solo exhibition by Danish born artist Nina Beier. This exhibition is the first for Beier in a UK public institution, and one of the most comprehensive exhibitions dedicated to her work to date, bringing together both existing works and new commissions.

Details of Exhibition

Beier's practice is perhaps best characterised by its conceptual orientation and its rigorous investigation of the object and exhibition of art itself as well as its attention to form and context. Aspects of art production and ideas of display, value and ownership, and the manner in which these perceived and received, are amplified and subverted in many of her diverse works.

The performance of objects and materials, how they change through time or alter according to context and presentation, and their potential to appear contradictory are crucial and recurring themes in Beier's work. The exhibition is supported by the Danish Arts Council Committee for International Visual Arts.

an artsphere website