
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
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an artsphere website
Lund Museum [artistic practice, curating, art management]

Lund Museum [artistic practice, curating, art management]

13 Feb 2006 - 4 Mar 2006
Exhibition on the notion of history-making and cultural heritage, the second collaboration of the Critical Studies group 2005/06 at the Malmö Art Academy, University of Lund. Encountering the fact that historical dimensions of the city of Lund are frequently represented and employed to shape its image, we came to think about history-making processes; who writes what and for whom, and how such information is disseminated.

Details of Exhibition

During our research process, we came across Traces of Congo, a joint project by the ethnographic and historical museums in the Nordic countries. The outline of that project, which is available on the Internet, communicates an ambiguous position. Despite the claim of criticality in relation to colonial histories, the theoretical foundation of that project does not appear to be supported by post-colonial sensitivity. Furthermore, Traces of Congo catalysed our consideration of how artefacts are selected and displayed, and surrounding narratives are posited and contextualized.

Against this background, we adopted an anthropology perspective by which we exhibited and contextualised an array of objects from Lund. Organized and curated by Critical Studies 2005/06: Alfredo Cramerotti, Kyongfa Che, Ovul Durmusoglu, Minna L. Henriksson, Christian Hilleso;, Jee Eun Kim, Eli Ping, Christian Schult.

Special thanks to: Julie Ault, Simon Sheikh, Eylem Dal from Galleri Pictura and the Malmö Art Academy.

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