
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
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Ciriaca+Erre: Suspended Woman 2016 on Media Wall [curating, art management]

Ciriaca+Erre: Suspended Woman 2016 on Media Wall [curating, art management]

1 May 2016 - 19 May 2016
Site specific urban project by Ciriaca+Erre on Media Wall, Como 15, Milan, Italy For the 2016 Con-Temporary Art event, Poincare' Investments Limited have the pleasure to collaborate with MOSTYN Visual Arts Centre - Wales' leading centre for contemporary art - in presenting a site-specific video by Ciriaca+Erre on the subject of identity and violence against women. The event is curated by Alfredo Cramerotti.

Details of Exhibition

Ciriaca+Erre returns to Milan with a new artistic incursion into the urban territory: Corso Como 15, a place outside the art's circuit. Concealed among short advertisements on a video wall, it will be possible to glimpse an extract from the artist's new video.  It is an antithesis to the commercial adverts that will catch the onlookers unaware: a symbolic code of evocative images, a tale made of abstract and contrasting suggestions to which are superimposed sexist and anti-feminist commercials from the sixties and seventies.

Suspended Woman 2016 is a video documenting the subservient role of women through the centuries, secret victims of a social, domestic and psychological conditioning: a distillation from a much wider research project with which the artist has been engaged for over ten years. A zooming in and out of intimate acts; an investigation about women as involuntary advertising object and subject where private images become public.

In the artist's words: This work is my musing over the subject of learned helplessness, as theorised by the American psychologist Martin Seligman in 1967, whereby an animal repeatedly submitted to an electric shock and unable to avoid it, once given the opportunity to leave the cage is too helpless to escape.

Curator Alfredo Cramerotti says: Any artistic endeavour that is put forward in the public realm - be it physical or related to the media - is always a challenge for which there are no precise coordinates. It is a project in the etymological sense of the noun (from the Latin throw forth), i.e. something that is elaborated and launched in a certain direction not knowing where exactly it will land. Sometimes the artist's intentions are in contrast with the viewer's expectations. Some other times, the artist’s expectations may prove out of tune with the audience's intentions when experiencing the artistic work. Either way, our fundamental aim - which we have tried to achieve with this project in Corso Como - is the absolute faith in the viewers standing before the work of the artist. Faith in their ability to consider what it is that they are meant to see and experience.

In 2015 Poincare' Investments Limited supported the realization of the artwork  Suspended Balance  in occasion of Expo 2015 in Milan, and they remain active in the international arena through their endorsement and development of the Arts. They share the enthusiasm in this new collaboration with MOSTYN Visual Arts Centre, the leading centre for contemporary art in Wales. We are grateful to AERO Service S.R.L. for their support.

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