
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
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AGM 09 under_ctrl [curating]

AGM Culture 09 under_ctrl [curating, art management]

15 Jan 2009 - 25 Jan 2009
The 7th edition of the media/art project AGM was also part of Nottingham's Radiator Festival and Symposium and included an exhibition, video installation, performance, music and talk; exploring our behaviour with technologies of surveillance and counter-surveillance. Eight international artists; designers, writers and performers responded to the cultural environment generated by CCTV and (self) recording.

Details of Exhibition

Thursday 15th January: a specially commissioned bus from Nottingham to QUAD for those travelling as part of the Radiator festival. Performance on the bus by artist Sian Robinson Davies - Palm Off, which looks at how we distinguish between different modes of representation and space.

On arrival at QUAD, performance by Paula Roush, artist and lecturer obsessed with CCTV. Roush performed CCTV Ecstasy combining projection, voyeurism, pecha kucha (pronounced peh-chak-cha), masquerade and facebook. Followed by 'Angelic Culture' - an illustrated talk by Charlie Gere, both motivational and critical showing what is possible with surveillance not only in terms of resistance (either passive or active) but as behavioural enjoyment. Charlie Gere is Director of Research at the Institute for Cultural Research at Lancaster University, and author of the book Digital Culture (Reaktion, 2002).

AGM under_ctrl exhibition featuring new media and video works by Miska Knapek, Scott Jon Siegel, Chris Oakley, plankton, and ZimmerFrei. A specially commissioned bus from Derby back to Nottingham included a performance "Wireless Bus" by Dis-locate. Akihiko Taniguchi in collaboration with artist Yuko Mohri and Dis-locate director Emma Ota wired the bus. In a challenge to wireless technology and invisible computing the team created a concrete network throughout the bus which demanded physical participation and collaboration in the realization of human and machine dialogues.

Curated for QUAD by Iben Bentzen and Alfredo Cramerotti, with the support of Louise Clements, QUAD Senior Curator; Miles Chalcraft and Anette Schaefer, Curators of Radiator Festival. See

For previous editions of AGM art/media event see

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