
Alfredo Cramerotti

Art + Tech Director, Curator, Writer, Publisher

Office address: mm:museum [Media Majlis] @ Northwestern Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar
 - CuratorWork / CuratorView is an artsphere website

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AGM 05 Silence [curating, art management]

AGM Culture 05 Silence [curating, art management]

29 Sep 2005 - 16 Oct 2005
AGM in 2005 was hosted by SOUNDplay Festival in the Latvian House Community Centre, Prefix Audio Gallery, and the Hacienda Club. AGM 05 explored the multilayered meanings and experiences of Silence - much more than something regarded as opposed to noise. Silence is used and understood in various ways according to context and social or religious customs. How do we experience and understand silence, especially in a 'noisy' context as a sound festival? In what way can silence be investigated and expressed with sound? What does silence sound like and does it at all exist? The invited artists were encouraged to address silence with different approach: urbanity, nature, politics, physical and psychological silence.

Details of Exhibition

Participating artists: Cristof Migone (Montreal), presenting with SOUNDplay his sound installation Quieting in Prefix audioroom (29th Sept-10th Oct 2005); Richard Crow (London), with the generative sound installation Speaker, Stain, Silence presented in Prefix audio gallery (12th-15th Oct 2005), and with a live performance as part of the Ambient Ping series at the Hacienda Club (11th Oct 2005). A third event with Richard Crow took place in Latvian House with an improvised sound performance (15th Oct 2005); Iben Bentzen (Copenhagen) in collaboration with Jacob Kirkegaard (Cologne), Emil Svendsen (Copenhagen) and Toke Tietze Mortensen (Berlin) with the sound installation Silence in Latvian House (14th-16th Oct 2005); Katarina Loefstrom (Stockholm) with her videoworks Pan AM, High Noon, Hang Ten Sunset and Red Light, also at the Latvian House (15th Oct 2005).

Images from left: cover CD Silence sound piece by I. Bentzen with Jacob Kirkegaard, Emil Svendsen and Toke Tietze Mortensen; interviews about AGM 05 for the CKLN radio station; Katarina Loefstrom video Hang Ten Sunset at Latvian House; Richard Crow performing at Latvian House; Richard Crow performing for the 'Ambient Ping' series at the Hacienda Club; Silence sound installation by I. Bentzen with Jacob Kirkegaard, Emil Svendsen and Toke Tietze Mortensen at Latvian House. Co-curated with Iben Bentzen and Darren Copeland

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